The Neural Hierarchy

As a massage therapist this information blew my mind🤯 Learning how much I was leaving out when working on people, made me end up leaving my practice and switch to becoming a full time Neurocentric Practitioner/Trainer/Coach.

When it comes to predicting, the brain relies on 3 important input systems:

1 - The most important of those systems is the Visual System (if you have eyes and can see). Something like 70-90% of the brain is dependent on the visual system for information and confirmation of potential danger.

2 - The Vestibular is the second highest priority as it is helping the brain to understand, which way is up, which way you are moving, and where the horizon is which directly impacts your reflexive posture and stabilization (in conjunction with the eyes).

3 - The Proprioceptive system shockingly comes in third place as a neural priority for input! Which begs the question, does stretching, foam rolling, and all of the other body work approaches do what people say they do? The majority of your neuromuscular and fascial tone is actually impacted more by the visual and vestibular systems than the proprioceptive system, including excessive tension, scoliotic changes, and myofascial winding.

In short, if in your exercise and movement training, you don't take the time to include visual drills, train in different head positions, run or walk backwards, or add in jumping and rotating the body, you are neglecting A LOT. That in itself can increase pain, injury, depression, tight muscles, anxiety, digestive issues, and hold you back from getting stronger and healthier. Do you incorporate all 3 systems intentionally? Let us know in the comments below!