The 3 Basic Functions of the Nervous System

Education credit @zhealth_performance

The 3 basic functions of the nervous system are:
To receive input. To interpret that input, and make a decision about what to do. Then create a motor output.

It is a feedback loop, which means inputs come in to the brain, and the brain then has to decide, what the information means and what to do about it. Then the brain creates a motor output, and the motor output is sending inputs back to the brain to make sure that it was carried out correctly.

So any interference in this feedback loop impacts the ENTIRE feedback loop. How well your eyes work, whether or not you can feel the difference between sharp and dull, how well you hear, taste and smell, how well you can interpret the information accurately and carry out the appropriate motor output, ALL of this impacts how well you think, how well you move, how well you balance, how strong you are, how you feel, how you respond during stress etc.

So having a coach who can help you target the brain could be the secret to helping you move better, think better, feel better, and become the best version of yourself.