Brain and Metabolism Concepts Part 1

Sorry for the typo on slide 3 (weighs* not ways)

Brain and Metabolism Concepts
👉Glucose is the brain's primary fuel source
"Since glucose is the brain's primary fuel (and it alone consumes 120g of carbohydrates/day, the equivalent of 420 calories) and the human brain is the factor that elevates humans above other animals, Mother Nature has taken special precautions agains a low blood glucose at any time." - Broda Barnes, MD, PhD and
Charlotte Barnes

👉Neurons Need 2 Things To Stay Alive
FUEL - Glucose and oxygen
ACTIVATION - Regular and frequent stimulation or activation

👉The brain is expensive to run
The human brain weighs about 3 lbs yet uses 25-30% of your daily calories by itself.

Conscious thought is expensive.
"In fact your brain can use up to one-half of your consumed/stored glucose. The more you think, the more glucose your brain will need." - Kate Deering

Neural Chunking Conserves Energy.
The best way to lower the cost of brain function is by chunking information together and building more energy efficient neural networks for activities that are done all the time so they can start to become unconscious.

👉The brain is expensive to change
The brain is a skill based organ.

Because neurons are expensive to keep alive, the ones that are receiving the activation get the resources, and the ones that are not receiving the activation, start to go dormant.

Then the processes of making the things we do more energy efficient kick in so that it takes less conscious thought, and starts to cost less over time and repetition.

Something like 40% of what we do in a day is habituated.