What Is Cellular Energy And What IS Metabolism?

Metabolism has become a buzz word in the health and fitness industry usually with the emphasis on the “calories in, calories out” model. This however isn’t an accurate depiction of how our bodies work in the context of life.

For today’s post we are going to briefly answer the questions, what is cellular energy? And what is metabolism?

Cellular energy is what drives the functions of our cells, tissues, organs and structures. Without cellular energy we wouldn’t be able to learn, feel, think, move, heal, grow, reproduce, or regenerate. So essentially without cellular energy there is no life.

Ray peat put it best with his quote, “energy and structure are interdependent on every level.”

The metabolism is the total sum of all our chemical processes. It is our ability to convert fuel aka oxygen, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.

So when we focus on “healing our metabolism” it is with the intention of creating an energy surplus compared to our current energy demand.

More on this tomorrow!