Building a home neuro gym
To get the most out of your workouts here is the equipment we recommend to create your own nero gym.
Here is the equipment basic we recommend:
We also recommend having at least 1 kettlebell. a light to medium would be best if only having one. Here is a basic sizing guide and links to a few suppliers we like:
For an average male this would look something like:
Light: 12kg - 20kg
Medium: 16kg - 24kg
Heavy:24kg - 32kg
For an average female:.
Light: 4kg - 8 kg
Medium: 8kg - 16kg
Heavy: 16kg - 20kg
A few options we like for Kettlebells are:
For a complete neuro gym we recommend:
More kettlebells. Light, medium and heavy are a good start
Colored Glasses:
Contact us for these we have a sale on a complete set
For all current clients we will also send eye charts and trackers to further build out your home nero gym